Community involvement plays an integral part in contributing to our Firm culture here at Kaufman Rossin Many of our employees dedicate their time to do good in our community, and we were curious. What were others doing to get involved? We decided to find out through a little healthy competition via our Facebook Fan Page.

Over the past few months, we asked our Facebook Fans to upload a photo of themselves getting involved in their community (e.g. volunteering, participating in a community event, fundraising, etc). We chose seven finalists out of the twenty photo submissions to be voted on by the public to decide the winner of the competition and of a $500 charity donation on behalf of Kaufman, Rossin.

We are excited to announce that Lesley Lyons, South Florida community advocate and K-9 lover, rallied the most votes for her Basset Hound Rescue photo from her family and friends! She chose to contribute the $500 donation prize to The Humane Society of Greater Miami to help support the rescue and care of Miami-Dade animals.

And although we could have only one winner, the contest helped many people share information about important nonprofits that they hold near and dear to their hearts.

Check out the photos from the seven Facebook Community Photo Contest finalists on our Facebook Fan Page.

Learn more about The Humane Society of Greater Miami.