Don’t Break Your New Year’s Resolutions! 5 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals


We are only a couple of weeks into the New Year and some of us have already broken our resolutions.  Many of us start the year with a list of things that we would like to change or do, yet most of us do not accomplish those goals.  How can we make sure we actually achieve our goals this year?

Here are five steps to reach your 2013 goals:

  1. Set realistic goals. As you define your goals, make sure they are attainable. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push yourself, but you should consider all of the factors (time constraints, work and family obligations, etc.) that could become obstacles to achieving your goals.
  2. Write them down. Having goals in mind is not enough; it’s important to put them on paper (or on your screen). Writing out your goals will help you clarify and define what you want to accomplish. Post the list above your desk or your nightstand as a reminder of what you set out to do.
  3. Identify action steps.  OK, so you want to move from A to Z, but how will you get there? Think about the steps that are necessary to accomplish your goals. Breaking your goal into smaller steps can make big goals seem less overwhelming.
  4. Track your progress. Set realistic timelines that will help you track your progress.  Hold yourself accountable and make sure you are moving toward your goals so you remain on target and motivated.
  5. Review your goals.  Occasionally review and analyze your goals.  Doing so will help you determine if it’s necessary to tweak your objectives or enlist the assistance of others to help you accomplish your goals.

At Kaufman, Rossin, firm members have access to resources to help them achieve their personal and professional goals. For example, during tax season, employees who have a personal fitness goal are encouraged to participate in the annual weight loss challenge. For career growth goals, Kaufman Rossin University offers training on everything from software to business writing and management.

What resources does your company offer to help you reach your goals?

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