Kaufman, Rossin in the Community: Big Brothers Big Sisters


Javier Armenteros talks about his community involvement.

Which organization are you involved with and what is its objective?

I have been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) for three years, and I am fully invested in its mission as the organization continually strives to “start something for a child today” through mentor/mentee relationships.

Javier Armenteros with Ricardo, his 9-year-old “Little.” Javier has been volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters for three years.

BBBS’ objectives:

  • Vision: All children achieve success in life.
  • Mission: Provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
  • Accountability: By partnering with parents/guardians, volunteers and others in the community we are accountable for each child in our program achieving:
    • Higher aspirations, greater confidence, and better relationships
    • Avoidance of risky behaviors
    • Educational success

Researchers found that after 18 months of spending time with their volunteer mentors, the Little Brothers and Little Sisters, compared to those children not in the BBBS program, were:

  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs
  • 27% less likely to begin using alcohol
  • 52% less likely to skip school
  • More confident of their performance in schoolwork
  • Getting along better with their families

What is your role with the organization?

I am a member of BBBS’ community-based program, which strives to match a “Big” and a “Little” outside of the workplace or classroom so as to positively impact the life of a child at both a personal and educational level. I was matched with a now 9-year-old boy named Ricardo about a year and a half ago, and have been fortunate to develop and nurture an amazing relationship with him. I also attend organization events regularly, have served as a speaker at an important yearly fundraiser, and initially served as a tutor/mentor in the school-based program.

Why did you decide to get involved in this organization?

Knowing that I am stepping out of my comfort zone and playing an integral role in changing someone’s life has always been something I have been passionate about. I felt BBBS and I had this in common, and thought there was no better way to do it than by helping a child facing adversity succeed and grow out of his or her difficult situation.

How has Kaufman Rossin contributed to your success with this organization?

Kaufman Rossin is currently helping me raise funds for this organization and get the BBBS name out there. It also has given me a valuable professional network, where I hope to raise awareness and encourage my peers to participate in giving back to the organization through either direct involvement or a donation.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in the community?

Our world can never have enough people who are willing to help those who are less fortunate or give back to the community in ways that are needed. By doing so, one can end up experiencing a life-changing event while also positively contributing to the world around you. There are limitless opportunities to get involved, and no better time to start than right now!

  1. Javier Armenteros says:

    Hi Jayne –

    It’s great to hear from someone with the same passion dedicating time to this great organization! In the end, it’s all about the kids and what we can do to help them and our community with the hope that it will continue to be paid forward. Thank you very much for sharing your story and for your thoughts and comments!


  2. Jayne Scala says:

    Hi Javier,
    I am delighted to see you posting about BBBS, I am a “Big” sister to Shatara and have been for 8 years. She was 9 at the time we were matched and she is now 17! I still spend time with Shatara and know that she has enriched me and I beleive I have enriched her! Thanks for your volunteerism for a wonderful and worthy organization who is helping our most precious children!

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