Kaufman Rossin in the Community: Children’s Harbor


Kaufman Rossin’s Adam Lang talks about his involvement in the community.

Which organization are you involved in and what is its mission?

I am involved with the non-profit organization Children’s Harbor. Children’s Harbor’s mission is to provide safe shelter and support to at-risk children and youth, keeping brothers and sisters together, strengthening families and guiding youth toward independence. It is a foster care group home that is located out west in Pembroke Pines, Florida, and they strive to keep brothers and sisters together when they are unfortunately pulled away from their parents. They also have a facility that houses pregnant or parenting foster teens and their babies.

Tell us about your role with Children’s Harbor.

I am currently a board member for Children’s Harbor, sitting on both the finance committee and the audit committee.

What prompted you to get involved with Children’s Harbor?

I first got involved with the organization in 2016 through my involvement with Leadership Broward. Children’s Harbor was the non-profit that I volunteered my time to for the nine-month Leadership Broward program. I have always had a special place in my heart for foster children as my wife, Marnie, is a social worker and was working for a foster care agency in Miami when I first met her. The foster care program is not and may never be a perfect system, but I feel the best way for me to make a difference is by volunteering my time and showing the children at Children’s Harbor that someone cares.

What inspired you to coordinate a Jeans Day for Children’s Harbor?

I am new to Kaufman Rossin and the first week I was here I heard about its program to raise money for organizations. I think it’s a wonderful idea and one thing Leadership Broward taught me about non-profits is that they are always understaffed and underfunded, and the amazing people working for the organizations are often underpaid. Raising funds for non-profits is another way that people can help make these organizations stronger. I love that Kaufman Rossin sponsors different organizations and asks its people to donate money for the privilege of wearing jeans on a Friday. I think it’s an excellent idea.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in the community?

I know it sounds cliché, but I truly have enriched my life by giving back to an organization that needs my help. Throughout my entire career, I was looking to find an organization that I was passionate about where I could volunteer my time and energy. I wanted to do right by my community and I also wanted to set a good example for my children. Leadership Broward provided me the opportunity to hear from many different non-profit organizations (20 to be exact) and to choose the one that I felt most passionate about. I chose Children’s Harbor and my time and efforts helping this organization have enriched my life and given me the feeling that I am contributing to a greater good within our community. My advice is to find a non-profit organization and/or a cause that you truly feel passionately about and start by volunteering a few hours of your time. You will be amazed how good it makes you feel and what an impact you have on others.

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