Kaufman Rossin in the Community: Just Hope International


Christine Egan talks about her involvement with a non-profit organization.

Which organization are you supporting and what is its objective?

I am supporting Just Hope International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people in developing nations to provide for themselves. They identify and establish business opportunities that align the families’ interests with the charity’s resources. Just Hope International’s goal is to break the poverty cycle by providing long-term income opportunities rather than one-time donations. Watch this video to learn more about this organization.

What inspires you about this organization and how did you hear about it?

I was introduced to Just Hope International through founder Karen Bruton and board member Jay Cooper, recent clients of Kaufman Rossin Fund Services. What I find most exciting about this organization is that it brings out the best in capitalism and combines it with philanthropy in a powerful model which ideally can be replicated in other communities. Karen and Jay are business partners who dedicate much of their trading operation’s profits to Just Hope International. This is an inspiration to business people everywhere!

Why did you decide to get involved with this organization?

When Karen told me about Just Hope’s mission, I was immediately interested in helping the cause. I believe that their approach to providing aid, by implementing long-term economic strategies, has the potential to transform the lives of people in impoverished nations. In the asset management industry, there is a lot of talk about employing leverage in the creation of wealth. This same concept of leverage is at work in the mission of Just Hope International.

How is Kaufman Rossin contributing to the success of this organization?

Kaufman Rossin will donate 100% of the profits from this month’s jeans day fundraiser to Just Hope International. I know our donation will directly impact impoverished people across the world, and I’m thankful that our firm offers its employees the opportunity to make a difference.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in a philanthropic mission?

My philosophy as it relates to charity work is a lot of passionate people doing what they can.  No matter what you can give, whether it’s time, talent or money, your contribution makes a difference. Find a cause you’re truly passionate about and simply ask them how you can help. A lot of people doing a little work can transform the world!

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