Kaufman, Rossin in the Community: Mindo Futures


Tamara Crespo talks about her community involvement.

Which organization are you involved in and what is its objective?

I’m involved in the Mindo Futures Medical Mission. The Medical Mission provides quality field-based medical care, medicines and vitamins free of charge to over 5,000 patients in Mindo, Ecuador, during an annual six day mission trip.

What is your role with the organization?

As a volunteer, I help raise funds and assist with medicine drives.

Why did you decide to get involved in this organization?

I got involved with Mindo Futures because I think it’s a great organization, and I believe in what they do. I am from Ecuador and have seen at first hand the need for basic medical care in the area.

Each year we prepare and equip medical professionals to treat 4,000 to 5,000 patients. Our doctors offer a broad range of medical services & specialties including Pediatrics, Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Urology, Infectious Disease, Dermatology, Hematology, Oncology, Dental, General Surgery, Podiatry, Orthopedics, Psychology, Neurology, Pharmacy and basic nursing.

Our present goal is to continue to expand the mission every year. The last two years we have been able to provide free bus transportation to and from the many surrounding villages around Mindo. Hundreds of patients who live up in the farthest reaches of the mountains where it is nearly impossible for poor families and the elderly to transport themselves to the main roads have benefited from this crucial service. Some of these areas are up to five hours away by bus.

How has Kaufman, Rossin contributed to your success with this organization?
Kaufman Rossin is currently helping me raise funds for this organization through jeans day and a medicine drive. The firm’s support helps raise awareness of Mindo Futures, which in turn can lead to more people getting involved.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in the community?

Find something you feel passionate about and get involved through volunteering and/or raising donations.

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