Kaufman Rossin’s Joy Batteen and Elizabeth Benitez.

Joy A. Batteen of Kaufman Rossin talks about her involvement in the community

Which organization are you involved in and what is its mission?

I’m involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Light The Night. The mission of LLS is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. In short, LLS exists to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients. Since 1949, LLS has invested more than $1 billion in cancer research.

What is your role with the organization?

This is the second year that KR has participated in both the Miami and Broward Light The Night events, and we’re celebrating our employee Elizabeth Benitez who is fighting, and winning, a battle with leukemia. I’m currently the team captain for the Kaufman Rossin Light The Night team “Journey to a Leukemia Free E!”

Tell us about Light The Night.

Light The Night is an evening community event supporting LLS’ mission. Light The Night brings communities together to celebrate those who are fighting, honor those we have lost, and raise funds to cure blood cancers once and for all. It is an inspirational, memorable evening experience filled with music, fireworks and empowering ceremonies honoring survivors and remembering those we have lost.

This year, Elizabeth is the Honored Hero for the Miami walk!

What inspired you to involve Kaufman Rossin with Light The Night?

I was involved with Light The Night as a committee member years ago when I lived in Kansas City. My best friend’s sister is a childhood leukemia survivor, and I also lost my grandfather to the disease, so it was something that I had a personal interest in. During that time, I learned a lot about LLS as an organization and as a community, but lost touch with it once I moved to Miami. When Ellie was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2016, KR immediately rallied behind her in her fight against the disease. I was thrilled to learn that KR planned to get involved in the fight by participating in the Miami and Broward Light The Night events. We have many employees who have also been affected by blood cancers, so the support has been great!

I like Light The Night, in particular, because it is a family event. Most fundraisers of this sort are 5Ks, half-marathons, etc. Those types of events are wonderful, but I’m not a runner so I don’t have a strong desire to participate. Light The Night is a leisurely stroll in the cooler evening hours, and people of all ages and athletic abilities are able to participate. Blood cancers affect people of all ages, including babies and young children, so I appreciate that this event really is all-inclusive.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in the community?

My number one piece of advice is to find something that inspires you. Community involvement, at any level, can be hard to juggle with everything else going on in your life, but if you are volunteering your time for something you feel passionate about, it becomes part of your everyday life.

Note: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night takes place November 4, 2017. Learn more about the Miami and Fort Lauderdale events.