Kaufman, Rossin in the Community: Tomorrow’s Rainbow


Christine Ferrer talks about her community involvement.

Which organization are you involved in and what is its objective?
I am involved in Tomorrow’s Rainbow, which is an organization that provides grief therapy for children and young adults who have lost close loved ones through extreme traumatic events. This therapy is provided through the use of therapy horses, group play and interaction, and professional counseling, free of charge.

What is your role with the organization?

My role with the organization has been being a volunteer and fundraiser for the past couple of years.  My main goal is to raise awareness that such serious situations exist for these children, who are often forced to move forward without help, and that there is an organization available to help them get through it.

Why did you decide to get involved in this organization?

I decided to get involved when my boyfriend introduced me to this organization.  He is a proud supporter and advocate for Tomorrow’s Rainbow, having been through a traumatic experience similar to these children when he was a child.  When you personally see someone turn his life around through the use of therapy after going through such a difficult situation, it becomes even more encouraging to try to provide the same type of support to others.

How has Kaufman, Rossin contributed to your success with this organization?

Kaufman, Rossin is helping me raise funds for this organization, which in turn is allowing me to spread the word about this cause so that others become more aware of the impact the therapy has on these children.

What is your advice for others who are thinking about getting involved in the community?

My advice for others getting involved in the community is to find a cause that you are passionate about and do not stop trying to find awareness and support.  It takes a lot of will and hard work, but it is very fulfilling when you find yourself succeeding in helping others.  It does not always happen the way you expect, but sometimes you become pleasantly surprised at the support you receive from family, friends and others.

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