Presenters: Wish you could see speaker’s notes?


It’s always been our frustration with PowerPoint – you can create speaker’s notes for each slide, but then you have to flip papers while you’re presenting.

Guess what?  There’s an easy way to see your notes on your laptop without showing them to your audience.  It’s called Presenter View.

When you’re working on your presentation, just go to Slide Show, and select Set Up Show.  Check the box to Show Presenter View.  That way what you see on your laptop will be different from what your audience sees projected!


The presenter view in PowerPoint also allows you more control over the slide show presentation, such as

  • the ability to show slides out of sequence
  • a black-out button that allows you to blacken the screen for the audience while maintaining your view of the presentation and your notes on your own monitor
  • even a timer!


Of course, there’s more to presenting than the PowerPoint slides.  A few key tips:

  1. Make sure you know your audience, and what they hope to get out of the presentation
  2. Keep it simple.  If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation, what would you want those things to be?
  3. Build confidence by knowing your material and how the presentation works.  Don’t skip the run-through.

What other presentation tips do you have?  Join the discussion!

  1. Simon – presentation skills training, UK says:

    Good reminder of how Microsoft is trying (and suceeding in some ways) to catch up to Apple in this field; we tend to think of Apple’s Keynote as being sooooo far ahead for presentation software that we often forget PowerPoint can do more and more stuff these days too.

    Mind you, whatever software you use, what matters is the way it’s designed and delivered! 🙂


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