Stanford Offering Free Fall Classes Online


Would you like to learn valuable skills that can benefit your business? Better yet, would you like to learn those skills from a professor at one of the country’s top universities  –  for free? This fall, Stanford University is offering 16 classes in business, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, technology and science at no cost to the public. All classes are online, so you even can watch the lectures in your pajamas. “The courses are open to anyone with a computer, anywhere,” says the university.

A couple of classes have already started, but most will begin in late September to mid-October. Here’s the full list:

  1. Machine Learning with Professor Andrew Ng, starting August 20
  2. Cryptography with Professor Dan Boneh, starting August 27
  3. Introduction to Mathematical Thinking with Professor Keith Devlin, starting September 17
  4. Probabilistic Graphical Models with Professor Daphne Koller, starting September 24
  5. Human-Computer Interaction with Professor Scott Klemmer, starting September 24
  6. Introduction to Logic with Professor Michael Genesereth, starting September 24
  7. Organizational Analysis with Professor Dan McFarland, starting September 24
  8. Writing in the Sciences with Professor Kristin Sainani, starting September 24
  9. Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 with Professor Tim Roughgarden, starting in October
  10. Solar Cells, Fuel Cells and Batteries with Professor Bruce Clemens, starting October 8
  11. An Introduction to Computer Networks with Professors Nick McKeown and Philip Levis, starting October 8
  12. Technology Entrepreneurship with Professor Chuck Eesley, starting October 15
  13. Designing a New Learning Environment with Professor Paul Kim, starting October 15
  14. Finance with Professor Kay Giesecke, starting October 15
  15. Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship with Professor Clint Korver, starting October 15
  16. A Crash Course on Creativity with Professor Tina Seelig, starting October 17

At Kaufman Rossin, we believe in continuous learning. That’s why we established Kaufman Rossin University, with classes for our clients as well as our employees. That’s why we offer Kaufman, Rossin Presents, our monthly seminar series for entrepreneurs in Miami, and the monthly BIG Breakfast in Ft. Lauderdale. And that’s why when we see a great educational offer like this one, we make sure to pass it along!

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