Time is Money: 10 Tips for Managing Your Time


Developing good time management skills is a win-win for businesses and employees.  Employees who effectively manage their time will be less stressed, more satisfied, more productive and better prepared to deal with daily tasks and challenges both at work and at home. Whether you’re an entry-level worker or a member of top management, it’s important to learn how to use your time as efficiently as possible. After all, time is money.

Here are 10 tips for managing your time:

  1. Plan your day – Taking a few a minutes to plan your day early on can set the tone as to whether you feel scattered or focused.
  2. Prioritize – Determine what needs to be done and what can wait. Then decide on the best order to complete the more pressing tasks.
  3. Keep a to-do list – Write down the tasks that you would like to accomplish each day.  Check them off as you complete each one.
  4. Allocate your time – Set a specific amount of time for how long each task should take.  It may not be possible to complete each task within the designated timeframe, however this exercise will help your mind stay focused by knowing there’s a beginning and end to each task.
  5. Get organized – Organizing your workspace and files makes it easier to locate items quickly when you need them.
  6. Delegate – Decide which tasks can be farmed out to others, and agree on a timeframe for when you expect to have each task completed and returned to you.
  7. Stay on task – Interruptions – whether by emails, phone or unexpected visitors – can cause you to deviate from the task at hand. If you get distracted, be sure to return to the task you were working on as soon as possible.
  8. Take a break – Taking a few minutes away from your desk can help you feel refreshed and energized.  Go for a walk, grab a healthy snack or at the very least, stand up and stretch every couple of hours.
  9. Don’t be afraid to say no – Some people take on more than they can handle, which leaves them feeling overwhelmed.  Be realistic about your time. If you do not have time to take on additional tasks, don’t.
  10. Manage stress – Remember to set aside time for fun! Doing activities that you enjoy will help to alleviate stress and increase happiness. At Kaufman, Rossin, “we work hard and we play hard.” Our professionals may burn the midnight oil during tax season, but they also show up to cheer on our softball team on Saturdays and socialize during our occasional mid-week wine parties.

Learning to manage your time effectively takes practice and discipline, but the rewards are immeasurable.

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