Why Should You Attend SXSW?


It’s that time of the year again… Time for 30,000 web, tech, and marketing enthusiasts to gather together for five days of non-stop panels, events, networking, and learning.  I’m talking about South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference – the “it” conference among social media, tech, start-up, and innovative companies around the world!  The opportunities at SXSW are endless, which is why it’s incredibly valuable for Kaufman Rossin and me to attend.

SXSW is the world’s technology hub.  All the latest and greatest in tech, innovation, and social media are there offering an invaluable, one-of-a-kind experience.  My world of social media evolves and changes every single day, and SXSW exposes me to the forefront of social media and technology – preparing me for what’s to come. The sessions held at SXSW help confirm my current strategies and ideas, teach and prepare me for what the future holds, and inspire me with creative new ideas to implement once I return to Miami.

As for the SXSW crowd – imagine thousands of the most brilliant, creative, inspiring minds in one city.  Authors, professional speakers, CEOs, representatives from Fortune 500 companies to the innovative start-ups – you can’t beat it! Not to mention the networking opportunities at SXSW are priceless.  Interactive attendees come together for the love of technology. You never know who you’ll meet, what you’ll learn from them, and what you could offer them.

Still not convinced?  Hear first-hand from last year’s SXSW speakers, attendees, and exhibitors.


If you’re planning on attending SXSW this year, be sure to read Christine de la Huerta’s, VP of rbb Public Relations‘ Digital Park, article in The Miami Herald for tips on making the most of your SXSW experience.

  1. seebeyondthenumbers.com » Blog Archive » #ILoveAccountants says:

    […] just two days, I will be traveling to Austin, Texas for my second annual South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive conference – the largest social media, tech, web, and start-up event in the world. Besides engaging in […]

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