Wine + Competition + Charity = Fun on April 30th!


Everybody enjoys a little competition. And when it’s coupled with wine and the outcome is thousands of dollars for a Miami charity – everybody benefits!

Many of us want to get more involved with our community and do more philanthropy. But until you find the right organization or the event you can’t wait to attend – it’s difficult to set aside that time. I finally found an organization that I LOVE being part of that helps dozens of different charities!

It’s called the Miami Beach Veiled Wine Society (MBVWS). Three things I love:

  1. Wine
  2. Being social
  3. Miami

This is why MBVWS makes sense for me: MBVWS hosts a wine tasting competition once per month to benefit a different Miami charity. The events are extremely well attended – a great crowd of ‘young’ Miami professionals and socialites.

I love that I get exposed to a number of different local charities that I might never even have heard of before. I love that we raise thousands of dollars (100% of the evening’s proceeds go to the charity). I love that I get to meet and spend time with some of Miami’s most interesting people. And to top it off, I love that I get to hang out in one of SOBE’s hottest night clubs (and not have to buy a table or stand in line for an hour).

So if you are looking for a way to do good for your community and have a blast doing so, consider our monthly wine tasting competition.

Our next event will benefit Voices For Children (V4C). I was honored when MBVWS asked me if there was a charity I’d like to host an event for – I jumped on the opportunity. My company, Kaufman Rossin, is involved with V4C and I thought this would be a great fit. Kaufman Rossin and principal Blain Heckaman were generous enough to sponsor the event to help make it happen. Now we just need you to attend!

Here’s how it works:

  • Each team of 2-3 people brings 3 bottles of the exact same wine (2 to taste and 1 for the prize).
  • We wrap the bottles and assign a number to each.
  • Everyone tastes and rates the wines, ranking favorite and least favorite.
  • At the end of the tasting, we tally the scores.

The team that brought the highest scored wine takes home 70% of the unopened bottles, 2nd place takes home 30% and last place gets their bottle back!

Click here to read the rules in more detail.

Event to benefit Voices For Children
Saturday April 30th, 2011

7:30pm to 11:00pm (tasting starts at 8:30 so don’t be late)

SET Nightclub
320 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139

RSVP to Wolfgang at

Get more information on MBVWS’ blog and Facebook Fan Page.

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