Kaufman Rossin Empowering Women
The Kaufman Rossin Empowering Women (KREW) Employee Resource Group was founded in 2015 to enhance recruitment, retention and advancement of women.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
ERGs offer opportunities for peers who share similar beliefs, backgrounds, life experiences or other affinities to connect and support one another. They provide access to role models and peers, an outlet to share perspectives, and a way to increase awareness and buy-in with other firm members on inclusion and diversity issues.

Recruitment & Advancement
The vision of the KREW ERG is to enhance recruitment, retention, and advancement of women within the firm by providing opportunities to share information, hone skills, and build rewarding professional relationships that promote career development.
KREW and its leaders have done an amazing job focusing our firm on the issues facing women in professional life. We’ve educated each other on how to tackle these issues, and made a real difference for women striving for success at KR and beyond.
Janet Kyle Altman, Marketing Principal

Marketplace & Community Presence
Kaufman Rossin has demonstrated our commitment to women in our community for more than a decade. By leading the pay equity initiative at The Women’s Fund and performing annual research on women-led businesses for The Commonwealth Institute (now known as The Women’s Edge) we’ve established our strong position: we believe in women’s leadership, potential and advancement, and we’re ready to help at all levels.

Business Development
Business development may look different for women, and KREW creates opportunities to learn. From individual coaching to virtual speed dating practice, the team focuses on the best ways for women to build business successfully.

Talent Retention
In addition to hosting both virtual and in-person lunches for women joining the firm, KREW members in each office collaborate to help women thrive; fostering an inviting environment for cross-department, multi-level interaction and support.

Talent Development
With a policy of including women in every interview, we make sure potential employees get their questions answered – from culture, to benefits, to work/life balance. And it’s not enough to hire plenty of women professionals – KREW provides peer support to women as their careers progress.

KREW’s programming includes many ways for Kaufman Rossin women to learn and share together. KR Women Share their Stories is a popular panel where successful professionals offer experience and advice. KR Real Talks is a series that takes on challenging issues in a safe space.

Education & Awareness
In addition to the business development training and peer mentoring that KREW provides the firm’s women, the firm’s training on unconscious bias and sexual harassment, through Kaufman Rossin University, helps create an environment where women can find joy in their success.