New resource: The Foreigner’s Tax Guide to Starting a Business In Florida

Today my guest post is by Ralph MacNamara of Kaufman, Rossin. The South Florida-based accounting firm has just put together a comprehensive — and free — Florida tax guide for foreign entrepreneurs. Although Florida has become one of the most sought-after places for Latin American and other international business people looking to start companies, setting up shop in Florida isn’t as easy as it sounds. Although the state offers a pro-business tax structure which gives entrepreneurs advantages from the start, there are crucial tax rules that should be top-of-mind.

Establishing a business in Florida starts with proper planning, and the sooner you begin, the better. The Foreigner’s Tax Guide to Starting a Business in Florida provides information on various state and federal requirements that you need to consider before getting started. Setting up a business is a complex process,with many legal, regulatory, and tax considerations.
To give foreign entrepreneurs an overview of what it takes to start a business here, the guide addresses the following topics:
  • Why you should consider investing in Florida;
  • The tax advantages to investing in Florida;
  • How you should structure your business;
  • Whether non-resident aliens and foreign corporations need to file and pay taxes;
  • What the appropriate accounting method should be;
  • What expenses can be deducted;
  • What type of records need to be retained, and for how long.
To read The Foreigner’s Tax Guide to Starting a Business in Florida in its entirety, please click here.
Ralph MacNamara is Director of Client Services for Kaufman Rossin He is a member of the firm’s Forensic, Advisory and Valuation Services Practice Group and regularly works with attorneys to assist with their forensic accounting, economic damages, e-discovery and expert testimony needs.

Ralph MacNamara, MBA, is a Business Development at Kaufman Rossin, one of the Top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S.