To Market Successfully, Your Customer Can’t be ‘Everyone’ (Op-Ed)

Every business needs marketing, and it’s almost always the last thing to get done.

In my last Op-Ed, I defined marketing as who, what, where, when, why and how your organization interacts with others in order to meet your business goals. It’s part of what I call the Do-it-Yourself Under-Complicated Marketing Plan. I recommended you start by setting some of what I categorize as “SMART” goals. For the next step, it’s important to define the “who.”

No, your target is not ‘everyone’

Think about the sneaker business. It’s a pretty wide market. Practically everyone needs a pair, right? But the most successful sneaker companies know better. They focus on very specific targets.

Take a look at Nike’s website. It’s all about fitness, sports and winning. Converse, on the other hand, is about making a personal identity statement. Their Google ad says, “Shoes are Boring. Sneakers are Iconic.” Who would have thought they’d make Chuck Taylor All Stars with a studded collar? Even if nearly everyone needs sneakers, these companies help us know exactly which sneaker fits our personal needs, whether we are uber-competitive or ultrafashionable.

Target even more than big-budget players like Nike

No matter what product you sell or service you deliver, more targeted marketing gives you a better return. Targeting a specific audience gets you in front of them more often, with messages that touch them emotionally. If you try to be everything to everyone, your message becomes vague and less impactful. Branding expert Todd Friedman writes:

“The more you can define not only the demographics — like age, gender and household income — but also the type of person (psychographics), including attitudes, tendencies, and preferences, the more you can directly speak to your audience. Owning a specific market’s mind share is the key.”

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Janet Altman is a Marketing Chief Marketing Officer at Kaufman Rossin, one of the Top 100 CPA and advisory firms in the U.S.