Individual Tax
Want to pay more taxes?
We didn’t think so.
That’s why we do more than just complete your tax forms at the end of the year. In order to minimize the tax you pay, we help you with income tax planning. We keep abreast of all changes and developments in federal, state and local tax laws and advise you throughout the year, so you’ll be in the best possible position when it’s time to file your tax return.
Our network of contacts is exceptional, with former employees of both the IRS and the Florida Department of Revenue on our staff.
Kaufman Rossin’s tax specialists handle relations with the Internal Revenue Service and other government agencies, when that’s necessary. And, of course, we prepare all required tax filings, including returns for all 50 U.S. states.
Our individual tax clients rely on us for:
- Tax planning and tax compliance
- Preparation of state and federal income tax returns
- Preparation of estate and gift tax returns
- International tax consulting
- Post-mortem tax planning
- Representation before IRS for tax examinations
- Acting as a personal representative or trustee
- Assistance with qualified retirement plans and insurance planning
Key Contacts
J. Michael Custer, CPA
Principal, Tax
J. Michael Custer leads the firm’s tax services practice by providing the best working environment for both his staff and his clients.
Meredith Tucker, CPA
Principal, Entrepreneurial Services
Meredith Tucker is a principal with Kaufman Rossin and Practice Leader of the firm's Entrepreneurial Services group. Her expertise is in providing accounting, tax, and consulting services to dynamic companies and their owners across a variety of industries. She collaborates with entrepreneurs to…
Louis Balbirer, MST, CPA
Principal, Tax
Louis Balbirer is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's tax services practice and the leader of the firm's technology industry advisory group.
Claudia Sotolongo Gonzalez, CPA
Principal, Tax
Claudia is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's Tax Services Advisory Group focusing on private client services. She provides a variety of federal and international tax compliance, planning and consulting services for high net worth individuals and expatriates both within and outside of the U.S….
Adrian Alfonso, CPA
Principal, Tax
Adrian Alfonso joined Kaufman Rossin in 2015 and is a principal in the tax department. He has more than 20 years of experience providing accounting, business advisory, and tax services to clients, including corporations, high net worth individuals, and family-owned corporate and partnership entit…
J. Michael Custer, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: J. Michael Custer leads the firm’s tax services practice by providing the best working environment for both his staff and his clients.and:
Meredith Tucker, CPA
Principal, Entrepreneurial Services
showing: Meredith Tucker is a principal with Kaufman Rossin and Practice Leader of the firm's Entrepreneurial Services group. Her expertise is in providing accounting, tax, and consulting services to dynamic companies and their owners across a variety of industries. She collaborates with entrepr…
Louis Balbirer, MST, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Louis Balbirer is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's tax services practice and the leader of the firm's technology industry advisory group. and:
Claudia Sotolongo Gonzalez, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Claudia is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's Tax Services Advisory Group focusing on private client services. She provides a variety of federal and international tax compliance, planning and consulting services for high net worth individuals and expatriates both within and outside of…
Adrian Alfonso, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Adrian Alfonso joined Kaufman Rossin in 2015 and is a principal in the tax department. He has more than 20 years of experience providing accounting, business advisory, and tax services to clients, including corporations, high net worth individuals, and family-owned corporate and partners…
J. Michael Custer, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: J. Michael Custer leads the firm’s tax services practice by providing the best working environment for both his staff and his clients.and:
Meredith Tucker, CPA
Principal, Entrepreneurial Services
showing: Meredith Tucker is a principal with Kaufman Rossin and Practice Leader of the firm's Entrepreneurial Services group. Her expertise is in providing accounting, tax, and consulting services to dynamic companies and their owners across a variety of industries. She collaborates with entrepr…
Louis Balbirer, MST, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Louis Balbirer is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's tax services practice and the leader of the firm's technology industry advisory group. and:
Claudia Sotolongo Gonzalez, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Claudia is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's Tax Services Advisory Group focusing on private client services. She provides a variety of federal and international tax compliance, planning and consulting services for high net worth individuals and expatriates both within and outside of…
Adrian Alfonso, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Adrian Alfonso joined Kaufman Rossin in 2015 and is a principal in the tax department. He has more than 20 years of experience providing accounting, business advisory, and tax services to clients, including corporations, high net worth individuals, and family-owned corporate and partners…
J. Michael Custer, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: J. Michael Custer leads the firm’s tax services practice by providing the best working environment for both his staff and his clients.and:
Meredith Tucker, CPA
Principal, Entrepreneurial Services
showing: Meredith Tucker is a principal with Kaufman Rossin and Practice Leader of the firm's Entrepreneurial Services group. Her expertise is in providing accounting, tax, and consulting services to dynamic companies and their owners across a variety of industries. She collaborates with entrepr…
Louis Balbirer, MST, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Louis Balbirer is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's tax services practice and the leader of the firm's technology industry advisory group. and:
Claudia Sotolongo Gonzalez, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Claudia is a principal in Kaufman Rossin's Tax Services Advisory Group focusing on private client services. She provides a variety of federal and international tax compliance, planning and consulting services for high net worth individuals and expatriates both within and outside of…
Adrian Alfonso, CPA
Principal, Tax
showing: Adrian Alfonso joined Kaufman Rossin in 2015 and is a principal in the tax department. He has more than 20 years of experience providing accounting, business advisory, and tax services to clients, including corporations, high net worth individuals, and family-owned corporate and partners…
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